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DOJ Login is now integrated with learnDOJ!

If you have a PIV card and a card reader, you can Log Into learnDOJLinks to other government and non-government sites will typically appear with the “external link” icon to indicate that you are leaving the Department of Justice website when you click the link..

Visit the learnDOJ page on DOJNet to learn:

  • More about DOJLogin
  • Who to contact if you experience issues
  • Who to contact if you do not have a PIV card or your computer does not have a PIV card reader
  • More information, including DOJ Login Job Aids

Whether you're looking to discover new learning opportunities, better manage your career, request external training or connect your employees with the learning they need, learnDOJ provides new features and services to help.

  • Explore the enhanced catalog and try new online tools. Find the learning that best suits your needs, whether it is “live” classroom, National Advocacy Center (NAC) training or a web-based course to take on your schedule.
  • Use the new external training process (SF-182) to request the learning you need to further your career.
  • Track your employees learning needs with features like the new supervisory dashboard.

Login and continue learning today!

Log into LearnDOJ

Note: The above link is for the Department of Justice employees only. Selecting it will cause you to leave the DOJ website.

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